You searched for: “more opprobrious
opprobrious (uh PROH bree uhs) (adjective), more opprobrious, most opprobrious
1. Relating to remarks or comments that are expressed in denunciations and in an abusive, or a malicious and vilifying way: The editorial in the newspaper made opprobrious statements about the immoral behavior of the mayor.

Adam's opprobrious co-worker in the sales department of the company was fired and so he lashed out at his supervisor with condemnations that included such terms as: "coward, liar, nefarious," and "corrupt".

2. Etymology: from Late Latin opprobriosus; from Latin opprobare, "to reproach, to taunt"; from ob, "against" + probrum, "reproach, infamy".
Pertaining to disrespectful or contemptuous remarks made by someone.
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